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Joyti Mabruk

Environmental Consultant
27Years old
Joyti Mabruk works as a Graduate Environmental Consultant focusing on Hydrology. She is currently involved in some water quality monitoring projects around Perth. Majority of Joyti’s work evolves around supporting Structure Plans, Subdivision and Development stages with Water Management Strategies for Local Governments. Moreover, she is gaining experience in Groundwater Licence Management. Joyti studied Water Resources Engineering from Bangladesh and undertaken Stormwater Drainage Design as her bachelor’s Thesis. While carrying out remote Water Quality Monitoring system as her Master’s Thesis in Australia, Joyti did her Internship with Dassault Systems. In her early life she has experienced flood miseries and poor-quality tap water. As a result, she became intrigued about hydrological aspects and hydraulic features as well as water quality for both aesthetic and potable. Joyti believes, as we are in water crisis due to lack of fresh water sources and climate change, it is very important to manage and design water infrastructure meticulously using Water Sensitive Urban Design features. Joyti loves Kathak (Indian Classical), Bengali Folk and Bollywood dances, and teaches Kathak on Sundays. Therefore, she choreographs and makes reels and videos whenever she gets time. Joyti prefers to watch movies or going to short tours (i.e, enjoying sunset) in her pastime.

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  • Master of Engineering (Water Treatment and Desalination)
  • Bachelor of Science (Biomedical Science, Animal Health)

  • Bachelor of Water Resources Engineering
  • Bachelor of Science (Biomedical Science, Animal Health)

    Bachelor of Science (Biomedical Science, Animal Health)

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