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Merryl Sequeira

Teacher (High School)
27Years old
Merryl is a fifth year high school teacher majoring in Mathematics and specialising in Digital Technologies and Religion. She has taught in both the Catholic and Public System over the past five years. At school, Merryl always enjoyed being able to help her friends with subjects and explain concepts that were complex. Teaching ultimately was the perfect career choice for Merryl, as it provides the her the opportunity to continue what she's has always been good at, but also it supports her balanced lifestyle that she values immensely. ​ In her spare time, Merryl loves taking time off to spend with friends and occasionally binge watching her favourite TV shows.

Podcast - Learn about 'x'

This episode features 27-year old high school teacher - Merryl Sequeira, who teaches Mathematics, Digital Technologies and Religion. She has taught in both the Catholic and Public System over the past five years.

Top questions for School Teacher:

  • 1:28 – Why did you pursuit the pathway of teaching?

  • 2:53 – What is the best thing about being teacher?

  • 3:50 – How did you know what kind of teacher you wanted to be?

  • 7:00 – What are the most challenging parts of studying teaching?

  • 10:24 – Do you take work with you on weekend?

  • 12:15 – Was it difficult to find a job after finishing studies in University?

  • 15:37 – Is the pay what expected?

  • 18:24 – Did you have a back-up plan?

  • 19:40 – if you had a chance to go back to highschool, what would you do differently?

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  • Masters of Teaching (Math, ICT and Religion)  - University of Notre Dame Australia
  • Bachelor of Science (Biomedical Science, Animal Health)

  • Bachelor of Science - UWA
  • Bachelor of Science (Biomedical Science, Animal Health)

    Bachelor of Science (Biomedical Science, Animal Health)

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